Egresó como Ingeniero Aeronáutico de la UNLP en 2003. Trabajó como Ingeniero de diseño en Future Engineering GmbH, Hamburgo, como consultor en Altran España, y desde 2009 en la empresa Airbus, en Bremen, Alemania.
Sus roles en la empresa fueron:
– A380 High Lift Systems Support Structure Team, Structural Analysis Engineer.
– Single Aisle High Lift System Structure Team, Structural Analysis Engineer.
– Airframe R&T – Strategy Plan and Innovation, Airframe Technology Watch Leader.
Su posición actual es Airframe Architecture Team, Airframe Architect (UD). Sus responsabilidades son:
– Airframe “Technical and Product Strategy” leader.
– Technical leader for the Airframe product development through the conceptual phase, trading architectures and technologies aiming to meet the best value proposition. Involved on different programmes as the Airbus freighter line and A220 incremental developments.
– Design for Value competence leader for Airframe Engineering.
– Critical knowledge management for Airframe Architecture.